Willie is a licensed Massage Practitioner (LMP) in the State of Washington who has been in practice since 2004, specializing in Traditional Thai Massage at the Master Level. He studied both locally with David Weitzer and in Thailand with Pischet Boonthumme. Other modalities that Willie practices are Swedish Massage, Reiki, and Matrix Energetics. Willie is committed to his continuing education, and is always expanding his knowledge to help his clients.
Willie understands the day-to-day demands individuals put on their bodies. He knows that everyone, from a competitive athlete to office worker need help in maintaining proper structural alignment to be their best selves. Even if an individual visits Willie multiple times, they never receive the same massage because the body is always different from visit to visit.
When not helping others, Willie is an avid outdoor enthusiast. His hobbies include, hiking, cycling, traditional archery, backpacking and kayaking.